The One Word Quiz
Since I am not feeling like doing expenses today (or anything else for that matter) and am too tired to write about my Thanksgiving or the Musical Genius' broken arm (broken on Thanksgiving and occassioning a visit to the St. Luke's ER that lasted until 4am!!!), I am taking a cue from Timesmacker and Little Light. Without further ado, the One Word Quiz:
From Udge. A kind of word association if you're looking for busy work.You can only answer with one word. No explanations.
1. Yourself: anxious
2. Your spouse: beloved
3. Your hair: blond
4. Your mother: precious
5. Your father: missed
6. Your favorite item: chair
7. Your dream last night: bizarre
8. Your favorite drink: red
9. Your dream car: spacious
10. The room you are in: soul-sucking
11. Your ex: fat
12. Your fear: shaming
13. What you want to be in 10 years: singing
14. Who you hung out with last night: love
15. What you're not: awake
16. Muffins: pumpkin
17: One of your wish list items: camera
18: Time: drags
19. The last thing you did: yawned
20. What you are wearing: red
21. Your favorite weather: sunny
22. Your favorite book: undecided
23. The last thing you ate: cantaloupe
24. Your life: okay
25. Your mood: sleepy
26. Your best friend: encouraging
27. What you're thinking about right now: pants
28. Your car: nonexistent
29. What you are doing at the moment: thinking
30. Your summer: unknown
31. Your relationship status: sustaining
32. What is on your TV: nothing
33. What is the weather like: spring
34. When was the last time you laughed: yesterday
From Udge. A kind of word association if you're looking for busy work.You can only answer with one word. No explanations.
1. Yourself: anxious
2. Your spouse: beloved
3. Your hair: blond
4. Your mother: precious
5. Your father: missed
6. Your favorite item: chair
7. Your dream last night: bizarre
8. Your favorite drink: red
9. Your dream car: spacious
10. The room you are in: soul-sucking
11. Your ex: fat
12. Your fear: shaming
13. What you want to be in 10 years: singing
14. Who you hung out with last night: love
15. What you're not: awake
16. Muffins: pumpkin
17: One of your wish list items: camera
18: Time: drags
19. The last thing you did: yawned
20. What you are wearing: red
21. Your favorite weather: sunny
22. Your favorite book: undecided
23. The last thing you ate: cantaloupe
24. Your life: okay
25. Your mood: sleepy
26. Your best friend: encouraging
27. What you're thinking about right now: pants
28. Your car: nonexistent
29. What you are doing at the moment: thinking
30. Your summer: unknown
31. Your relationship status: sustaining
32. What is on your TV: nothing
33. What is the weather like: spring
34. When was the last time you laughed: yesterday
At 2:49 PM,
Little Light said…
Expenses, heh.
At 8:23 PM,
Jay said…
Yippee! New news from Opera Barbie! I love it. Such an interesting little list -- thanks to Little Light for getting it started.
And so glad you've written again. I take a gander down Amphigory Alley, like, twice a day.
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